Choosing your motorcycle in Australia
Very few Harley-Davidsons® are available for rent in Australia. Furthermore, Australians are partial to V-Rods® and Sportsters®, which they use to get around town. The rental market, often based on sales, therefore offers few “touring models” of the type we like. There are almost no Electra Glides in the whole country.
For your information, please be aware that it is often necessary for us to work with 2 or 3 different rental companies, which may be hundreds or thousands of miles apart, to find the required number of bikes for a small West Forever group! The bikes available are therefore few in number, older and with more miles on the clock than in other countries offered in our catalogue. Nevertheless, they are well maintained and remain the ideal tool for exploring this enormous country.
For your information, please be aware that it is often necessary for us to work with 2 or 3 different rental companies, which may be hundreds or thousands of miles apart, to find the required number of bikes for a small West Forever group! The bikes available are therefore few in number, older and with more miles on the clock than in other countries offered in our catalogue. Nevertheless, they are well maintained and remain the ideal tool for exploring this enormous country.